Lecture 1.16 – Decisions From the Gut to the Brain: The Journey of Decision Making from Intuition to Data

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Electronic discovery, or “eDiscovery” involves the identification, collection, preservation, and production of electronically stored materials, or “ESI”, before and during litigation, investigation or administrative proceedings. The exponential growth of ESI has made the discovery process more complex, expensive and fraught with risk. A multi-billion-dollar electronic discovery industry that utilizes an array of increasingly sophisticated technical tools has emerged in response to manage this complexity and mitigate these rising costs. The opportunity to improve process, increase efficiency, and decrease cost in this expensive area of corporate spend is a primary focus of legal operations departments.

Janice Jaco is an eDiscovery Project Manager at the boutique litigation powerhouse, Keesal, Young &a...
Brian Lyew has developed his skills over the last five years in both the world of legal and data. Cu...